Interactive English Training Courses that Deliver Results

Effectively handling work situations in English can be challenging when it’s not your mother tongue. Let’s face it, no amount of time spent watching Netflix in English can prepare you to successfully navigate the subtleties of a work environment.

A chat at the water cooler is easy. But high-stake situations that require more nuanced communication can become obstacles to the success of your staff. They become uncomfortable and frustrated because they can’t get their message across.

Miscommunications affect relationships with colleagues and clients, damaging your reputation and hurting the team, its performance, and the client’s satisfaction.

It’s a problem your company needs to address before your business suffers too much.

The good news is there’s a solution.

Introducing… Hands-on English training courses for Dutch native speakers

I’m Jacinta Noonan, an Australian native with over 25 years of experience teaching English in the Netherlands. I understand the specific challenges Dutch people face when trying to communicate in English, and I know how to fix them.

I deliver customized English language training courses to companies and individuals in the Netherlands. I’ve worked with companies across Finance, Law, Marketing & Sales, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Hospitality, and more. And I tailor my content and approach every single time.

Click or scroll below for specific course details.

  • Call for more information on
    +31 (0) 6 51 27 66 91
  • Or email Jacinta on
    jacinta {at}
A business professional talks confidently in English on the phone.

Business English for Professionals

From dealing with international clients to speaking with higher management, Dutch business professionals must be highly proficient in English.

A Dutch hospital employee gives explanations in English about a form to a patient.

English for Hospital Personnel

Working in a hospital requires the mastery of a specific terminology to ensure a smooth communication with patients. Because there’s no room for approximation in a conversation about health.

Interactive, Practice-Oriented English Courses for Business Professionals

Does this sound familiar?

  • Your Dutch customer support team finds it difficult to deal with your international clients, leading to frustration on both sides and poor client ratings.
  • Long chains of unclear internal emails in English regularly fail to solve an issue but manage to ignite anger in an organization, impacting poorly on the overall performance.
  • Team meetings often go nowhere because employees lose their cool while looking for their words in English. As a result, this ineffective communication impacts collaboration and takes its toll on the success of the company projects.

These daily occurrences affect the smooth operation of your business and, as a result, your company’s performance. And it’s simply because your employees work in a language they speak well, but not well enough.

The solution? They need an English course tailored to business needs.

Who is it for?

Business professionals working in an international environment who use English regularly at work, and especially:

  • Support staff and back-office employees

  • Personal and Executive Assistants

  • Newly appointed Team Leads and Mangers

My teaching style

Using my knowledge of adult learning styles and psychology, I create an engaging learning experience, working in small groups with a focus on practice. And I adapt to each participant’s learning style to help them build their fluency, accuracy, and confidence.

The goal is for the participants to build on what they already know and to practice in a safe space so they can understand their mistakes and develop the right framework for effective communication in English.

The outcomes

  • Participants will be able to get their message across clearly and impactfully.
  • Their vocabulary will be enriched, and a library of expressions will be added, so communication is more interesting and nuanced.

  • Language register switching will be effortless, so they can easily move from water cooler chit-chat to a conversation with higher management.

“Jacinta’s way of teaching and personal warmth create a trustful environment. People feel safe to open up and make the same mistakes they always make in English. It increases the effect of the training and maximizes the results.”

M Uijen, HR and Training Manager, Banking
A business professional talks confidently in English on the phone.

Hands-On English Courses for Hospital Personnel

The job of healthcare employees is to look after the wellbeing of their patients. It’s a beautiful but challenging mission because they’re dealing with people. And with an ever-increasing number of foreign patients in the Netherlands, effective and accurate communication in English is becoming a critical skill for Dutch hospital staff.

Explaining a sensitive diagnosis to a patient who sees their world fall apart… Planning a medical procedure or explaining the next steps of a treatment to a worried patient… These situations become even trickier in English. The medical terminology is different, and words of comfort can’t roll off your tongue in the same easy and reassuring manner as they do in Dutch… This challenge adds tension and stress to the work of employees who already have so much to accomplish on a daily basis.

If your team is in this situation, I can help you. As a professional trainer with a background in coaching and psychology, I teach an English language program designed specifically for Hospital Personnel.

Who is it for?

This program is specifically designed for those who work in a hospital setting at any step of a patient’s medical journey:

  • Doctors’ Assistants

  • Planners & Schedulers

  • Receptionists

  • Other support staff who work with patients

This course can also be adapted for Doctors and Nurses who require more specific medical language. Please ask me for more details.

My teaching style

I create a safe space where the participants can learn, practice and make mistakes—because that’s how you improve.

My no-nonsense approach means I focus on delivering results. We look at how to say specific things in English but also focus on the human aspect. Because understanding the psychology of that patient standing before you is key. Great language skills indeed work best when paired with great emotional intelligence. So my training includes learning how to read patients and adapt your communication style to help them best.

Don’t expect to sit all day in front of an endless series of slides full of theory! I make sure to create an engaging learning experience. I work with small groups, so everybody practices. And I adapt to each participant’s learning style to help them build their fluency, accuracy, and confidence.

The outcomes

  • The participants will learn the specific terminology and phrases needed when helping patients through their journey, from the first appointment to the end of the treatment.

  • The participants will become more fluent when scheduling appointments, giving instructions on where to be and when, providing information about procedures, explaining the pre-operation preparation, and so much more.

  • Learning the precise vocabulary and phrases they need will allow your employees to be clear and specific in their explanations to the patients. This will improve your staff’s confidence and patient care.
A Dutch hospital employee gives explanations in English about a form to a patient.

Contact me now to learn how I can help your team members boost their English skills.