Business Courses for Busy Professionals

Learn the skills you need to thrive at work

You need many skills to successfully navigate a career in business, no matter your role. Giving a powerful presentation to obtain the budget for a project, communicating effectively with various team members and managers, or handling a high workload despite your concentration issues: Any of these situations can generate stress, frustration, and overwhelm—especially when your professional training didn’t prepare you for it.

Key employees such as newly appointed managers, executive assistants, and back-office employees may excel at their specific tasks but often lack skills that would enable them to shine. And to help their whole department run smoothly.

Business skills courses shouldn’t be reserved for leadership roles because every employee has a role to play. Every employee can ultimately impact the success of a team, positively or negatively. That’s why I created programs designed specifically for these unsung heroes who are so much more than simple cogs in the system.

Upscale your business skills thanks to stimulating courses.

Using my background in psychology, training, and adult learning, I design courses providing tangible results. I combine solid theoretical knowledge with a practical, fun, and energizing approach.

Ahead of the course, I perform a needs analysis to design a program that answers the specific needs of my students. Then, during the training, I adapt to the learning style of the people in front of me. So, there’s no sitting through boring, droning lectures in my classroom! Instead, I keep my students engaged and make sure they take home practical advice that will help them now.

Click or scroll below for specific course details.

  • Call for more information on
    +31 (0) 6 51 27 66 91
  • Or email Jacinta on
    jacinta {at}
A business professional gives a presentation with, in the background, a TV screen showing diagrams.

Powerful Presenting for the Quiet Ones

Giving powerful, impactful presentations is mandatory in the world of business. Good presenters inspire, persuade and motivate their audience with a well-crafted message and professional delivery.

A group of business professionals walk and talk together in an office.

Emotional Intelligence for Your Office Heroes

Personal Assistants and admin specialists are the unsung heroes in the business world. They are the foundation of every business, providing the support needed for a team’s success.

A professional relaxes with a mug by a window.

Overcoming Overwhelm for the Distracted Ones

If you feel scattered and chaotic, always racing to meet deadlines and feeling constantly overwhelmed, then it’s time to hit pause. Discover the secret to regaining focus and control now.

Powerful Presenting for the Quiet Ones

When you speak, everyone listens

Presenting slides to an audience is one thing. Sharing a powerful message in a way that captures your audience’s attention is another. These are two sides of a coin—giving a presentation. But with very different outcomes. Sharing slides may prove fruitless, whereas sharing a compelling message will attract the attention of that director whose help you seek, or will grant you the budget you need.

We’re rarely taught how to give presentations. It’s something we simply have to do. And for introverts, it can be a crippling experience akin to hell on earth. But it doesn’t have to be. Being a good presenter isn’t reserved for extroverts. You need to develop a few skills and learn some techniques, and your fear of the spotlight will vanish.

It requires some work and support. And that’s where my Powerful Presenting for the Quiet Ones program comes in.

How does it work?

  • The program is a blend of workshop sessions and individual coaching. It’s customized to the exact needs of each group or individual.

  • Each participant presents something. I might film them to review and identify all the elements requiring attention.

  • We work on building confidence and erasing the fear of public speaking. Because successful presenting begins not only with the how, but also with who you are.

  • We then move on to creating masterful messaging and content creation. Participants learn how to build a storyline that has their audience hanging on their every word.
  • Finally, we discover how to command the audience’s attention and create impact through body language and verbal techniques.

Who is it for?

This program is for those who work in the corporate world and aren’t natural-born presenters. It’s for introverts, the quiet ones who prefer to get the job done and would rather not have to present. It’s especially beneficial to:

  • Newly appointed Managers
  • Project and Program Managers
  • IT Specialists

The outcomes

  • This course is a transformative experience: participants will gain self-awareness and a clear understanding of the components of a powerful presentation.

  • The program will teach them how to master their fear of presenting, so they become comfortable speaking to an audience.

  • The participants will be able to craft a clear and powerful message that makes an impact.

  • They will know how to inspire, persuade and motivate their audience with their professional delivery.

“I would like to thank Jacinta for her guidance and the superb training on advanced presentation skills she gave at Cognizant. I can still remember every bit and piece of that day!”
Suraya, Cognizant Malaysia
A business professional gives a presentation with, in the background, a TV screen showing diagrams.

Emotional Intelligence for Your Office Heroes

Work smarter by working together

Assistants and admin specialists are the unsung heroes of the business world. They quietly work in the background, enabling the movers and shakers to do the client-facing work. To do well, they must constantly adapt to the personalities and needs of the people they support. They need excellent interpersonal skills—something they’ve usually not been trained in.

So they’re puzzled by that director who never seems happy with their work despite their best efforts. Or by that manager who’s not getting back to them with the information they need. Misunderstandings and miscommunications abound. Frustration and stress build up. Relationships suffer, and the overall team performance takes a hit.

This is precisely why I offer the Emotional Intelligence for Your Office Heroes program. To help the quiet achievers acquire the understanding and tools they need to manage their managers!

How does it work?

  • The course is a blend of workshop and group coaching sessions. It’s tailored to the exact needs of the group or individual.

  • We set out to understand how our own triggers, biases, and conditioning inform our understanding of self and others.
  • We review and discuss work style preferences and communication modalities to define how to best collaborate and communicate with different types of people.

  • We explore how to be assertive and set healthy boundaries.

  • We look into what it takes to manage conflicts at work.

Who is it for?

This course is for support staff who are required to juggle different needs, priorities, and demands without losing their cool. It’s ideal for:

  • Executive and Personal Assistants
  • Back-office employees

The outcomes

  • With increased emotional intelligence, the participants will better understand their managers and colleagues and know how to deal with them effectively.
  • Delegating will become effortless and the overall team collaboration easier, resulting in improved productivity.

  • The participants will acquire the techniques and confidence to tackle challenging situations successfully.
  • With better collaboration and conflicts under control, stress levels will go down, leading to happier teams.

“In the training room, Jacinta has immense knowledge. The experiences she has had in her life (as well as those that have been shared with her through years of training and coaching) are so very real to her that she can bring them into a training whenever and however she needs to, to help people find the ‘click’ that makes things fit together for them. Trainees trust her and respect her. They ask for her advice and ideas. They want to hear her experiences and how she deals with issues. Trainees leave a course knowing they have been heard and helped.”

K. Lording, Training Manager
A group of business professionals walk and talk together in an office.

Overcoming Overwhelm for the Distracted Ones

Work with focus and thrive

We live in a world where being constantly bombarded with information and ideas is the norm. A world where there’s a constant push to do more. A world where there’s a constant urge to go faster. At work, it means endless to-do lists, tight deadlines, and calendars filled with meetings.

In a competitive workplace, taking on too much, spreading yourself thin, and saying yes to new projects you have no time for is tempting. But not realistic. Because it creates stress and overwhelm and can ultimately lead to burnout—the bane of modern companies.

In a world of constant distraction, the ability to focus and prioritize is key. Because when your focus is strong, you’ll feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your workload. This is precisely what my Overcoming Overwhelm for the Distracted Ones program sets out to help your staff do.

How does it work?

  • The program is a blend of workshops and coaching sessions. It’s customized to the exact needs of the group or individual.

  • We learn how to activate a focused state and push through procrastination.

  • We also learn to manage the emotional roller coaster and build stress resilience.

  • We look at what it takes to develop self-discipline and boundaries.

  • We discuss how to improve time management and create order and structure.

Who is it for?

This program is for those who are easily distracted, good at starting but bad at finishing, or who feel constantly stressed and overwhelmed. It will help people pleasers who are overloaded with other people’s demands. It’s suited for:

  • Executive and Personal Assistants
  • Back-office employees

The outcomes

  • The participants will better understand how their minds and stress work.
  • They’ll learn to prioritize so they can focus on the work that’s critical for the business.

  • They’ll improve their productivity.

  • They’ll regain a sense of control and calm, leading to better mental health and more serene and effective team collaboration.

A professional relaxes with a mug by a window.

Contact me now to discuss how I can help your employees develop the business skills they need to thrive and shine.